BrosMed Announces CE Mark and Launch for Apollo™ Balloon Dilatation Catheter


February 25, 2014— Following the CE approval and launch Artimes™ Balloon Dilatation Catheter, BrosMed announced CE Mark and Launch of its Apollo™ Balloon Dilatation Catheter which is now approved in the EU for the interventional cardiovascular use. Apollo™ rapid exchange PTCA balloon catheter is intended to be used for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) for the purpose of improving myocardial blood flow in the localized stenotic lesion of the coronary arteries.

“The CE approval of Apollo™ balloon dilatation catheter will definitely enhance our balloon product portfolio and today we are excited having both Artimes™ semi-compliant and Apollo™ high pressure non-compliant catheters available with CE approvals. I believed that the Apollo™ will be workhorse balloon for the post-dilatation cases while Artimes™ will be ideal weapon dealing most complex cases including Chronic Total Occlusion (CTO)” said by Thomas Dong, VP of Technology & Strategy.

“We obtained lots of affirmative feedbacks from key opinion leader (KOL) after launching Artimes™, it should the same success to Apollo™ once it is available in the market”, added by Stephen Lee, VP of Operation & Regulatory Affairs.